Terms of Sales


SAS Catleya manages the apartments available in Villa Catleya for itself.


1. Definition of terms used

Service provider :

The term “service provider” covers SAS Catleya.

SAS Catleya, SAS with capital of € Headquarters: 473 Boulevard Raymond Poincaré Saint Raphael 83700. RCS : 80933941900016 |N° DE TVA INTRA : FR17809339419


Anyone who makes a reservation and / or a stay in the villa catleya.

Night: Unit of account for the number of nights in a hotel.

2. Purpose

These general conditions of sale define the contractual relations between the service provider and the users of Villa Catleya, from the reservation until the departure from the user’s hotel, as well as the conditions applicable to any reservation made through the reservation services.

These general conditions of sale shall prevail over all other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by the service provider.

The service provider reserves the right to be able to modify its general conditions of sale at any time. The applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of validation of the reservation.

3. Scope

These general conditions of sale apply to any reservation made directly with the service provider or via the Internet via the reservation site “www.villa-catleya.com”.

The general conditions of sale apply to all the services offered by Villa Catleya.

The registration of the reservation and the sending by email of the confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction and acceptance of the operations carried out.

Any confirmed reservation entails the express and complete acceptance of our general conditions of sale, the recognition of having full knowledge of them and the waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.

4. Capacity

The user must be legally capable of contracting.

The user is financially responsible for the use of the online reservation site, both in his personal name and on behalf of third parties, in particular minors. In this regard, the user guarantees the veracity and accuracy of the information provided, both by himself and by the minors in his care when making the reservation.

Fraudulent use of the reservation services or which contravenes these general conditions of sale may result in the denial of access to the services offered and give rise to legal proceedings before the competent courts.

These general conditions take effect from January 01, 2019. This edition cancels and replaces the previous versions from that date, without prejudice to reservations previously accepted by the company on the basis of previous versions.

For any information relating to the general conditions of sale, the user can contact the hotel by email at contact@villa-catleya.com

5. Formation of the contract

The contract is deemed to have been formed when a reservation number has been assigned by the service provider to the user, and communicated when the booking is confirmed by the service provider’s reservation center, by any means of communication ( phone, mail, mail, etc.).

6. Computing and Freedoms

Pursuant to Law 78-17 known as Informatique et Libertés, customers are warned that their reservation is subject to computerized nominative processing. Users have a right to access and rectify the data entered, which is exercised at the head office of the company. It is expressly specified that this information is not transmitted to third parties.


1. Reservation methods

Reservation of the services offered can only be made by online reservation.

Written confirmation of the reservation will be communicated to the user as soon as possible, and no later than ten days following the reservation, by any means of communication.

This confirmation will include the essential elements of the reservation, such as the type of room reserved, the number of nights, the price and the expected date of availability.

2. Proof of the transaction

It is expressly agreed that, unless there is a manifest error proven by the user, the data stored in the information system of the service provider, on computer or electronic media, have probative force concerning the reservations made by the user. Consequently, this data can be produced as a means of proof in any contentious or other procedure, and will be admissible, valid and opposable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document which would be drawn up. , received or kept in writing.

3. The price

Prices are indicated in euros and are expressed including VAT, unless otherwise stated in our brochures and other commercial documents (website, etc.).

For reservations made online, the user has only one rate:

-Price displayed unconditionally

The amount to be paid by the user includes the price of the stay (unit price of the room multiplied by the number of nights or weekly price depending on the season).

Extras are not included in the prices and will be payable locally at the end of the stay, at an additional cost.

4. Price review

The service provider reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the prices appearing on its brochures and other commercial media, as well as the prices displayed in the establishments.

These modifications will not be applicable to reservations previously accepted by the service provider.

5. Terms of payment

When booking, the user must provide the authentication details of his credit card, in order to validate the reservation. Otherwise, the reservation will be automatically canceled.

-Option for the preferential rate with prepayment

The total price of the reservation is debited when booking, to the credit card provided by the user.

The user expressly acknowledges that this is a payment and that his card will be debited before his stay.

The reservation validated by the user will only be considered effective after agreement with the bank payment centers concerned. In case of refusal of the said centers, the reservation will be automatically canceled.

-Option for the displayed price, without condition

Payment for the reservation must be made to the service provider, directly to the hotel when the user leaves the hotel.

-Payment of extras

The extras will be paid on site at the end of the stay. Otherwise, the user expressly authorizes the service provider to debit the bank card left as a guarantee for the payment of extras.

The service provider reserves the right to refuse any reservation from a user with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous reservation.

6. Modification of the reservation:

This provision is inapplicable to reservations made online.

For any request, please contact by email: reservation@villa-catleya.com

-Modification at the request of the user:

Reservation changes can be made free of charge, subject to availability.

Any additional price generated by the changes requested by the user will result in additional invoicing.

-Modification at the request of the service provider:

In the event of unavailability of the rooms reserved as a result of a fortuitous event, the service provider undertakes, depending on availability, to relocate users, at no additional cost, in the Villa Catleya. If there is no availability the reservation should be moved to an available date.

The transfer costs related to this relocation will be borne by the service provider.

7. Cancellation terms:

Any cancellation request will be taken into account from the date of receipt of an email or letter.

–Special provisions concerning the “COVID-19” health crisis

The customer will be able to justify until the last minute of an impediment imposed by a government measure, by proving his main residence, or by a positive test.

In each of these cases, the villa-hotel Catleya undertakes to reimburse in full any amount paid.

Other cancellation case:

– concerning the high season, July 1 – August 31, and French school holidays,

If the cancellation request is made more than two months (60) days before the scheduled date of arrival, the villa hôtel-Catleya will reimburse the sums paid in full.

Regarding the other periods of the year:

–If the cancellation request is made more than 30 days before the scheduled date of arrival, the villa hotel Catleya will reimburse the sums paid in full.

For cancellation requests that do not fall under any of the above cases, the villa hotel-Catleya undertakes to study each request, and reserves the right to grant all or part of the refund.

Under no circumstances will the customer be able to demand reimbursement in this case.

8. General rules relating to the hotel industry:

– Possession of rooms:

Possession of the room (check-in) takes place at 3 p.m. and the room must be vacated (check-out) before 12 p.m.

-Facilities and services :

The photographs, films, drawings and descriptions illustrating the products are not contractual. If errors do not affect the substantial characteristics of the services and products offered appear therein, the liability of the service provider or one of its principals can in no way be engaged.

9. Obligation of means

In the online reservation process, the service provider is only bound by an obligation of means. It cannot be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network, such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, interruption of service, etc.

10. Major force

By force majeure, we mean any event external to the parties, both unpredictable and insurmountable in nature which prevents the user or the service provider from performing all or part of the obligations provided for in the contract.

By express agreement, this will notably be the case with regard to strikes by means of transport, hotel staff, insurrection, riots and prohibitions issued by government or public authorities.

It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends, for the parties, the performance of their reciprocal obligations.

At the same time, each of the parties bears the cost of all the costs incumbent upon it and which result from the case of force majeure.

11. Complaints

Any complaint relating to your reservation must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the head office of Villa Catleya, at the latest within fifteen days following the last night.

12. Intellectual property

Regarding the use of the website, the service provider is the holder of all intellectual property rights relating to the site.

The elements accessible on the site, in particular in the form of texts, photographs, images, icons, sound videos, software, databases, are also protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and other private rights held by the service provider.

Except with the express, prior written consent of the service provider, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, exploit, distribute or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements on the site, or to distribute a simple or hypertext link.

13. Attribution of jurisdiction

Any disputes that may arise from the application or interpretation of these general conditions of sale will be subject to French law and will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

In its dealings with clients, legal entities, only the courts within the jurisdiction of the Saint-Raphaël Court of Appeal will be competent.

These general conditions take effect from January 01, 2021. This edition cancels and replaces the previous versions from that date, without prejudice to reservations previously accepted by the company on the basis of previous versions.

For any information relating to the general conditions of sale,

the user can contact villa catleya by email at reservation@villa-catleya.com

This is a translation. In all cases, the original version is the one in the original language, which is French.



In order for your living conditions to be as pleasant as possible, and for health and safety conditions to be guaranteed for all, we ask you to carefully read these regulations.

The signing of the rental contract commits you to the internal regulations.


A reservation becomes final upon receipt of the rental contract accompanied by your payment in full and after agreement from SAS CATLEYA.

Your reservation is “strictly personal” and cannot be transmitted.

The Tenant must be in possession of a valid civil liability insurance with the Resort option.

A certificate of insurance specifying these provisions must be provided before admission.


The Apart-Hotel is rented to you for a period defined when booking according to the conditions set out in your rental contract. The signatory known as the “tenant” has entered into a contract for a fixed period, he may not under any circumstances invoke any right to remain in the premises.

The tenant must inform SAS CATLEYA of his arrival and departure time as soon as possible.

Article3 – STAY

  • Arrival
    The tenant must present himself on the specified day and at the time mentioned on this contract. In the event of late or deferred arrival, the tenant must notify SAS CATLEYA.

On the day of your arrival, you will be greeted from 3.30 p.m. and when the keys to your rental are handed over, you will be asked for a deposit by credit card imprint in the amount of € 2,000.00.

  • During your stay
    The resident is responsible for the surveillance of his personal belongings. SAS CATLEYA declines all responsibility in the event of an incident involving the civil liability of the resident. All customers must comply with the provisions of the internal regulations. Each tenant in title is responsible for the disturbances and nuisances caused by the people who stay with him or visit him.
  • Departure
    On the day of departure indicated on your contract, the rental accommodation must be vacated before 10 am. The apartment will be returned in perfect condition, any broken or damaged object will be at your expense as well as the repair of the premises if this is necessary.

The deposit will be returned to you at the end of your stay, after deduction of compensation deducted from supporting invoices for any damage noted by the inventory.

For any delayed departure, you will be charged an additional day at the prevailing nightly price.

No refund will be given for an early departure.


Everyone is required to refrain from any action that could affect the cleanliness, hygiene and appearance of the residence.

Household waste, out-of-kind waste, cigarette butts and papers must be placed in the containers provided for this purpose.

Plantations and floral decorations must be respected. Any degradation committed to the vegetation, fences, soil or installations of the residence will be the responsibility of its author.

Article 5 – CHILDREN

SAS CATLEYA declines all responsibility in the event of an accident that may occur to children. Throughout the stay, children are always placed under the exclusive supervision of their parents, who are civilly and criminally responsible, especially when they use the swimming pool and the games made available to them.

Article 6 – VISITORS

The tenant’s visitors must report their attendance to the concierge and the tenant must have made a prior request to the concierge for approval.

Visitors are admitted to the residence under the responsibility of the tenants who receive them.

Visitors do not have access to the swimming pool and the fitness room.

Visitors’ vehicles must be parked outside the residence.

Access to visitors is strictly prohibited.

Article 7 – ANIMALS

For reasons of hygiene, tranquility and safety, no animals are allowed in the residence.


Inside the residence, the speed of motor vehicles is limited to 10km / h.

Private parking in the basement and secure are provided in the residence. Parking should not prevent newcomers from settling in.


All of our rentals are furnished and fully equipped both inside and on the terrace. Please keep them in good condition and keep them clean.

All accessories, dishes and cutlery are provided.

Linen (sheets, towels, bathrobes, slippers) is provided and embroidered in the colors of the villa.

A breakfast basket is provided:

In high season, it is replenished daily from Monday to Saturday. In low and mid season, it is available from Monday to Friday.

The price includes cleaning in the apartments for reservations of at least 7 days:

1h30 per week
Cleaning will be done in the middle of the stay.

High season: July & August | Mid season: May, June & September | Low season: from October to April

The supply of water and electricity is included in the rental price.

However, in order to respect the environment as much as possible, please turn off the lights when you leave a room, do not let the water run unnecessarily, and do not leave doors and windows open if you are using the heating / air conditioning.

All amenities are at your disposal, subject to normal and reasonable use. In this regard, please do not throw anything in the toilet bowl except toilet paper.

Each housing access door is equipped with a key lock. Make absolutely sure to close them when leaving the premises. You are responsible for any theft and any damage in the event of non-compliance with this clause.

Article 10 – NOISE and SILENCE

The users of the residence are urged to respect the tranquility of the premises. The sound volume, inside and outside the property, must be contained in order to respect the tranquility of the neighborhood.

It is strictly forbidden to make noise in the evening after 10 p.m. and before 8 a.m.


Garbage cans are available near the entrance to the residence. Please respect the selective sorting rules and do not throw waste on the ground when the bins are full.


In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, please notify us immediately. We will then do our best to remedy the situation. No reimbursement for repairs or repairs can be taken into account without the agreement of SAS CATLEYA.


  • Concierge: You will find our good addresses for your leisure activities, restaurants, activities etc… ..; but also the conditions of access to the laundry for your clothes.
  • Swimming pool with submersible beach: Open from 9 am to 8 pm (Children accompanied under the strict supervision of parents.) No running and diving.
    Comply with regulatory safety instructions, listed on a board posted at the entrance and enforceable against any collective swimming pool.

Mandatory swim briefs (Bermuda shorts and other textiles are prohibited in the pool)

rule of use of sunbathing (bds):

– The “PRESTIGES suites” each have 3 (bds).

– The ELEGANCE suites each of 2 (bds).

Residents must take off their shoes before going through the footbath.

  • Professional quality private Jacuzzi: Water changed for each new arrival. The basin is maintained, the water is treated. (Children accompanied under the strict supervision of parents. We would like to inform our customers that the jacuzzi is not recommended for young children and from 8 years old allow a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Fitness: Open from 9 am to 8 pm with free access (not accessible to children).
  • Boules game: Open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Children must be accompanied under the strict supervision of parents)
  • Article 14 – SAFETY

Customers undertake, under pain of expulsion without compensation, to respect the security rules of the residence and in particular: not to obstruct the passage of emergency vehicles, not to use the fire hoses, to respect the maximum capacity of the accommodation.

The owner can in no way be held responsible for any accidents or damage that may occur in the property, in the parking lot or in maneuvers to access or exit the domain.

SAS CATLEYA reserves the right to enter the premises rented for maintenance or security.

The provisions of Article 1952 and following of the Civil Code, relating to hoteliers, do not apply. SAS CATLEYA cannot be held liable in the event of theft or damage to personal effects, in the apartments, in the common premises, in the parking lots and annexes of the residence; this contract being subject to the statute of tourist residences. However, we would like to inform you that, concerned about your safety, the residence is equipped with security equipment such as cameras, doors of each apartment equipped with a 3-point lock, general electric gate. We remind our residents that there is a safe in each apartment; we invite you to place valuables there.


SAS CATLEYA can take all necessary measures to maintain order, tranquility, cleanliness and good housekeeping. It has a duty to sanction serious breaches of internal rules and if necessary remove disturbers.

In the event that a resident causes damage, disrupts the stay of other users, disturbs the harmony and the smooth running of community life, in short does not comply with the provisions of these internal regulations, the owner may orally or in writing, s ‘he considers it necessary, to put the latter on notice to cease the disturbances.

In the event of a serious or repeated violation of the internal regulations and after formal notice by SAS CATLEYA to comply with them, the latter reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract and to expel the resident as an unwanted guest, without notice. and without compensation. In the event of a criminal offense, the owner can appeal to law enforcement.

Article 16 – DISPUTES

SAS CATLEYA reserves the absolute right to terminate, without notice or compensation, any contract whose object or cause is incompatible with the destination of the premises.

SAS CATLEYA is exempt from any liability in the partial or total performance of the contract resulting from a fortuitous event due to a third party or an act of force majeure (bad weather, natural disasters, fire, water damage, etc. serious disasters or bans, attacks, administrative closure, etc.).

Article 17 – DISPLAY

These house rules are posted at the entrance to the residence and are available at the reception desk. You will find it online on our website. A copy will be given to you upon your arrival when signing the contract.

We reserve the right to modify the text at any time. You will of course be informed if any changes occur during your stay.

We wish you a pleasant stay.

*This is a translation of our regulations and our general conditions of sale. In the event of a dispute, it is the conditions and our regulations written in French that will apply.